The PRODUCTIVITY podcast delivers you time management strategies that work. We give you one productivity tip a day in a short, productive, episode. Fr... more
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140 Episodes

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Thursday, January 11, 2024 New Research Reveals Hitting the Snooze Button Will Boost Your Productivity When You're Short on Sleep Did your alarm ever wake you up and you hit the snooze button only to feel guilty about it because you feel like you’re doing something wrong?Today, w...
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Wednesday, January 10, 2024 A Visualization That Increases Your Productivity Instantly Ever start your day in the morning and have such a long list of things to do that you’re literally paralyzed and don’t even know where to start? Today...
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Monday, January 8, 2024 Sunlight Health Benefits. Here’s how much sunlight you need to hit your peak productivity potential. Why natural sunlight is important for you, review the research on sunlight and your health, tell you a little how sunlight works it’s magic and give y...
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Sunday, January 7, 2024 Continuous Partial Attention. You probably have this condition and don’t even know it. Here’s what it is and how to get rid of it to be your truly most productive self. Continuous Partial Attention (CPA) is a condition that you probably have, BUT can get rid of.In this episode we explain what Continuous Partial Attent...
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Saturday, January 6, 2024 This 1 Simple Change to Your Meeting Schedule Will Increase Your Mental Well Being and Boost Your Productivity Ever feel like your day is one endless Zoom meeting after another? Meetings pile up, transitions between meetings become frantic, and your brain feels...
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Friday, January 5, 2024 Keyboard Shortcuts Redo and Undo for Windows and Mac Users Does your wrist get sore sometimes because you’re scrolling and clicking your way through the workday with your mouse?Unlock your powers of speed with...
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Thursday, January 4, 2024 4 Day Work Week: Should you do a 4 Day Work Week this year? Does it really lead to higher productivity? The results from our trail run and what the research says. Tired of the five-day grind but asking if the 4 day work week really works? Today we’re answering that question for you…we dig into the history of the...
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Wednesday, January 3, 2024 How to Calculate Your Biological Prime Time to Hit Your Peak Performance on a Regular Basis Ever notice there are times when your brain feels like a lightning bolt and tasks melt away under your fingertips?  Those glorious periods are your Bi...
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Wednesday, January 3, 2024 3 Killer Keyboard Shortcuts For Mac and Windows Users That Will Help You Work Faster and Increase Your Productivity Three keyboard shortcuts that will make you faster and more productive.The keyboard shortcuts include, how to toggle between open windows of the same ...
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Tuesday, January 2, 2024 Goal Setting: Set Just 3 Goals For Yourself. Here's Why and How To Do It For Your Best Year Ever! It's the beginning of the year and your chance to set goals for 2024.Understand why three goals is the right number, what categories they should ...
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Saturday, December 30, 2023 Best Appointment Scheduling Software Online There's a bunch of appointment scheduling software apps out there. The one I'm recommending today I've paid for and used for the last t...
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Friday, December 29, 2023 Parkinson's Law and How To Avoid This Productivity Killer For Projects, Meetings, Papers and Everyday Life Parkinson's Law can be a total productivity killer for you and your team. Listen how to conquer this time sucking phenomenon.  CONNECT WITH US ...

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